(Delivering a talk at Purdue University English Department on Shakespeare's Pericles, Prince of Tyre)
Fellowship Received Teacher Fellowship awarded by
University Grants Commission, New Delhi
From 06 April 1980 to 05 April 1983
Language Efficiency - Read, Write and Speak Oriya, English, Hindi
Read Sanskrit, Bengali, German and Greek
The Theban Trilogy (Oedipus the King, Antigone and Oedipus at Colonus)
Aristophanes -Frogs ,The Old Testament,The Book of Job
Aristotle Poetics
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra, Macbeth, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice and The Tempest
Christopher Marlowe - Doctor Faustus
John Webster -The White Devil
John Dryden -All For Love
Alexander Pope -Rape of the Lock
Jonathan Swift -Gulliver’s Travels
Samuel Johnson -A Preface to Shakespeare
Henry Fielding -Tom Jones
W.B.Yeats Poems
Samuel Beckett -Waiting for Godot
Robert Frost Poems
Waldo Emerson Essays
Henry David Thoreau -Walden
Nathaniel Hawthorne -The Scarlet Letter
G.B.Shaw -Saint Joan
T.S. Eliot -Four Quartets
M.Phil. class
Theory of Tragedy
Theory of Comedy
Theory of Dramatic Expressionism
Theory of Epic Theatre
Theatre of the Absurd
Sanskrit Poetics of Bharata with special reference to Kalidas’s Abhigyan Sakuntalam
Origin of British Drama
Forms of Poetry
Theory of Deconstruction
Ph.D. Level research guided: TwoDr.Balabhadra Tripathy
Title of his dissertation: The Tooth of Power: A Study of the Major Plays of
Sam Shepard and American Popular Culture Degree awarded in 1998.
Dr.Bairagi Charan Dwibedy
Title of his dissertation: Towards a Definition of Humanism in the Indian and
American Contexts with Special reference to the Works of Sri Aurobindo and Emerson.
M.Phil. Level research guided: Thirty-two
National and International Seminars, Conferences and Workshops attended and presented Papersinside the country -Thirty fiveInternational Conference attended and Presented Paper Outside the country- One
The Fifth International Bakhtin Conference organized by
University of Manchester, England. . July 15-19, 1991.
Paper Presented: Mikhail Bakhtin’s Idea of Carnival and the
Character of Thersites in Homer’s The Iliad and Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida
Books Published: Five
-Smruti O Sanketa, a collection of my Oriya poems Mulyayana Press, Cuttack 1980
-Cats on a Hot Tin Roof, A Study of the Alienated Characters in the Plays of Tennessee Williams, Academic Foundation, Delhi, 1990
It contains a four-page introduction by Professor Leslie Fiedler.
-The House of Serpents, a Novel. Published simultaneously by Orient Longman, India and Sangam Books, London, U.K. in 1996.
-Simple Things of Life, A Novel. Published by Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi, 2001
-Three Shatakas of Bhartrihari (English verse translation of three hundred verses from original Sanskrit with a twelve-page introduction) Penman Publishers, New Delhi, published in September 2004.
Research Articles published/ accepted for publication One
Inter-Disciplinary Roots of Literary Modernism The Atlantic Literary Review
Published in November-December 2006 issue Two
A Critical Interpretation of Postmodernism The Atlantic Literary Review
Published in the January-February 2007 Issue Three
Application of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Theories of Fiction to Pedagogy and Textual Interpretation
Accepted for publication, January 2004
Playful Subversion in Shakespeare’s All’s well That Ends Well and other “Problem Plays”
The Atlantic Critical Quarterly
Accepted for Publication. December 2003.
Notes on Magical Realism: Its Provenance and Its Future as a Fictional Mode.
The Atlantic Literary Review Volume I, No.1 (July-September, 2000) Pp.228-241.
The Philosophy of Fizzles A Review Article on The Theatre of the Absurd
The New Quest Volume 125 (Sept.-October 1997). Pp.311-313
The Effect of Language on Social consciousness
Literature and Criticism Volume II, Nos.1 & 2 (1995-1996). Pp.143-148.
Mikhail Bakhtin’s Idea of Carnival and the Character of Thersites in Homer’s The Iliad and Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida Critical Practices Volume I, No.1 (Winter 1994). Pp.31-46
Reprinted in Indian Response to Literary Theories, Vol. II. Edited by Prof. R.S.Pathak
New Delhi: Creative Books, 1996.Pp.235-251.
The Pilgrim and the Way:
Jayanta Mahapatra’s Temple (1989) Kavya Bharati Number V (1993). Pp.100-103
From Logocentrism to Logos: A Diachronic ReadingThe Punjab University Research Bulletin Vol. XXIII, No.2 (October 1992). Pp.31-57
The Problem of Achilles in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida,
Inter-subjectivity and Foucault’s Episteme of Resemblance Literature and Criticism
Volume I, Nos. 1&2 (1992). Pp.124-135
Memory and Mimesis in Byron’s Don Juan
The Punjab University Research Bulletin Vol. XXII, No.2 (October1991) Pp.63-70
Sam Shepard’s Operation Sidewinder: Myth, Parable and Text
The Punjab University Research Bulletin. Vol. XXI, No.1(April 1990) Pp.93-103
Alienation: A Study in Terminological Perspectives Prajnanubhuti
(The Berhampur University Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Vol.XI, No.1 (Summer 1990). Pp.01-13
Buried Myths and Power-Game in Sam Shepard’s The Tooth of Crime
Indian Journal of American Studies Vol. XIX, Nos.1&2
(Winter and Summer 1989). Pp.87-92
Tennessee Williams’ Dramatis Personae: A Study in Types
Indian Journal of American Studies Vol.XVII, Nos.1&2. (Winter and Summer 1987).Pp.111-117 .
Expressionism: A Confrontation with the Self
The Berhampur University Research Journal Vol. IX (1987-1988). Pp.26-35.
To Inform, Warn and Educate: A Review Article on Dr.Harekrushna Mahtab’s Sahitya Akademi Award winning Book Gan Majlis Indian Literature
(A Central Sahitya Akademi Journal) Vol.103. (September- October 1982).Pp.135-139
The Cultural History of Oriya Literature The Cuttack Review
(September-October 19882) Pp.17-21
Contradictions in Life and Religion: With Special reference to Zen Buddhism and The Bhagavad-Gita Vision (December 1981). Pp.79-89.
Some Observations on Modern Oriya Poetry Indian Literature
(A Journal of Central Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi) (September 1980). Pp.96-103.
Ten reflective articles have been published in The Speaking Tree column of The Times of India, The Sunday Magazine of The Hindu and some literary journals between 1999 and 2006.
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